Leisure Services at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

What you need to know

Following the government's announcement on the ease of restrictions in England, customers can expect the following changes:

  • Safety measures such as face coverings and social distancing will be optional as part of the easing of lockdown restrictions in England. Please follow the guidance of your local area as face coverings may be highly encouraged in particular locations.
  • Lockers, changing rooms, toilets and showers will be open and in use for all customers.
  • Capacity levels on activities will increase.
  • Cafés, communal and spectator spaces will re-open.

Our primary focus will always be the health and wellbeing of both our staff and members. To find out more about our continued commitment your health and wellbeing click here.

Use our centre finder to find your nearest location, available activities and pricing, timetables, directions and parking availability.

Useful Links

Thank You

We are thrilled to have welcomed so many people back to activities they love. We will continue to provide members with access to Better At Home virtual workouts via the Better UK app and online, so you can continue to work out at home if you wish.