Mental Health Awareness Week at Copper Box Arena

Copper Box Arena marked Mental Health Awareness Week (13th-19th May) by supporting both members and staff in recognising the importance of maintaining their mental wellbeing and how “moving more” positively impacts them. 
To do this, our Healthwise team (who manage our physical activity referral scheme dedicated to keeping you fit and healthy) invited members to discuss the importance of exercise and the implications on overall mental wellbeing during their weekly supervised gym sessions. 
Newham Talking Therapies, a partner of Copper Box Arena, also delivered training for staff on how to recognise as well as manage stress and anxiety at work.  
Thanks to all our customers who took time to reflect on their mental wellbeing and engage with these sessions.  
We hope that you all took something away from the week that you can continue to use moving forwards and you can find additional information here.