Royal Attendance at Copper Box Arena

Copper Box Arena received a Royal visit on 13th October, as The Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Kate, attended to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of sports charity Coach Core. 

The Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales started the Coach Core programme back in 2012 to contribute to the legacy of the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games, working to transform the lives of young people who find themselves in difficult living conditions.

The Prince and Princess of Wales, as well as supporters and contributors of Coach Core, heard from a number of Coach Core’s apprentices who shared their experiences and success stories from their time with Coach Core. They then took part in activities including boxing, boccia and football skills.

The Prince of Wales spoke at the celebrations, stating "Sport has an incredible way of providing hope, connection and opportunity, and when Coach Core was established ahead of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012, it was designed to use that power to help change young people's lives.”

Russ Barnes, Partnership Manager was full of praise. “It was a great day of celebration for Coach Core and for the Prince and Princess of Wales to be in attendance. This has taken a lot of planning with Coach Core and the team at Copper Box Arena, and the day has gone amazingly well. Credit to the team at Copper Box Arena.”

Keep up to date with the latest news surrounding Coach Core and keep tabs on the positive impact they’re having on young people.