Copper Box Arena supports SportsAid #SupportTheNext Trophy Wheelchair Basketball Tournament

On Wednesday the Copper Box Arena hosted SportAids annual wheelchair basketball tournament as part of the #SupportTheNext Trophy. This was the first SportsAid event back at the Copper Box Arena since the pandemic and it was a welcomed return by all those involved.  The event help fundraise for SportsAid’s supported athletes who are aged 12 to 18. This fundraising provides them with a financial award to help towards training and competition costs. This acts as a real motivational boost as it is often the first recognition they receive outside of their support network.

Eleven teams took part in the tournament with the teams experiencing the fast-paced and challenging nature of one of the most popular Paralympic sports.

The day began with ambassador for SportsAid Laura Wright opening the tournament with a stunning rendition of Jerusalem motivating all teams.  The tournament was won by Hogarth Worldwide who retained the  #SupportTheNext Trophy with a 3 – 0 victory in the final. On hand to present the trophy was Paralympian Tanni Grey-Thompson who was in attendance.

The event was a great success and the Copper Box Arena looks forward to host next year!